
Threads are a powerful mechanism for running multiple independent tasks, also known as parallel or concurrent processes. Even on a single-processor computer threads are useful. One processor can only do one thing at a time, but by giving small amounts of time to every process, a form of multi-tasking is achieved.

Why threads instead of processes ?

Threads are often called lightweight processes. The creation of a new thread requires considerably less system resources than the creation of a new process because threads are much smaller and they share the variable space with the other threads, whereas processes carry their own environment around.

Threads behave like independent processes (they have their own program counter, stack and registers) but differ from truly independent programs in that they have a shared variable space which makes communication between threads easier than communication between independent processes and eases access to shared resources.

Applications of threads:

The following examples demonstrate several aspects of working with threads. The Makefile
can be used to build all examples.

Create two threads that call the same (named) function and one thread calling a lambda function

Create two threads that share the same resource, in this case a counter starting with a value of 0. Thread 1 increments the counter, while thread 2 decrements it. Both threads perform the same number of iterations, so the end result should be 0, but because this example does not protect the counter for simultaneous access, there is a possibility that one thread reads the value before the other has written its new value. When threads are given time slices in which they can perform a block of iterations, the error can become quite significant.

In this example, the counter is protected by a mutex. The end result should always be 0.

try_lock is a way to continue doing other things when a mutex you want is not available. This function will not block. You can come back later to check again if the mutex is free.

To be described: threading in the object oriented world, spin-lock, semaphores, exchanging data between threads, sending signals to threads.

Assignment: create 3 threads that print their own names. The name must be passed to each thread from the main routine.

Assignment: make a program with 3 threads. Each thread calculates 10 seconds of a pure sine-wave sampled at 44100 Hz. The sine wave frequency and amplitude must be passed to the threads from the main routine.

Assignment: make a program with 3 threads. Each thread calculates 10 seconds of a pure sine-wave sampled at 44100 Hz. The sine wave frequency and amplitude must be passed to the threads from the main routine. This time, the resulting sine waves have to be added (merged) into one buffer (cf. additive synthesis).