Advanced Text Editing with Vim
Wherever this text says gvim you can also read mvim.Subjects in this page
- joining lines
- reformatting
- dot dot dot...
- moving around with confidence
- window splitting
- advanced search and replace
- dope for programmers
- wormholes
- regular expressions
joining lines
Suppose you have several
lines that you want to
merge into one long line. A bit
like these four lines.
Put the cursor on the first line and type J for every line you want to merge. This transforms the above lines into the following:
Suppose you have several lines that you want to merge into one long line. A bit like these four lines.
If you don't want Vim to insert a space, use g J.
The other way around is also possible. When you have a piece of text containing no line breaks, e.g. an SQL dump or an e-mail with very long lines which you want to re-format into lines with a maximum width of 40 characters, use
:set textwidth=40Then select the text you want to format and type g q. Don't forget to put the textwidth back to a reasonable width afterwards.
dot dot dot...
One of the most powerful features of Vim is the . command, also known as the dot command.
The key ., when entered in command mode, will repeat the last performed action.
Example: add a line and then multiply it by 5 is easy. Let's add a line:
<ENTER>This is a line
Now repeat that action 4 times so we end up with 5 identical lines
Another approach for this specific case would be to put the number first
and then what you want to do, e.g. for creating a line with 60 asterisks:
will give you
Moving around with confidence
Mark a line as a : m a, then move to another line in the file and jump back to line a: ' a
Mark a line as b :
Go up a couple of lines and type
to delete up to line b or
yank up to line b, then put the deleted or yanked
lines somewhere else in the file: p
Window splitting
:split :vsplit gvim -p file [file...] open all files in one window, where each file gets its own tab gvim -o file [file...] open all files in multiple split-windows
Advanced search and replace
^ - start of line
$ - end of line
The % is a shortcut that tells vi to search all lines of the file for search_string and change it to replacement_string.
The global (g) flag at
the end of the command tells vi to continue searching for other occurrences of search_string.
To confirm each replacement, add the confirm (c) flag after the global flag
Press * to display all words matching the word under the cursor. Jump to next word using 'n' and backwards using 'N'.
Press [I to display all lines that contain the keyword under the cursor.
Run commands on lines
Delete all empty lines:
Delete all lines matching a keyword:
Delete all lines NOT matching a keyword:
Dope for programmers
(({Matching {brackets}} and (parentheses)))
Matching brackets { } and parentheses ( ) is quite easy with these two techniques that Vim offers:
- If you put the cursor on a bracket, the % key will bring the cursor to the matching bracket
- If syntax highlighting is on and you put the cursor on a bracket, Vim will show you the matching bracket
Word completion
If you use the same word several times in one document, you don't have to type it again and again, just type its first letters and then CTRL n for auto-completion.Indenting level
Make sure these two lines are in your .vimrc:vnoremap < <gv vnoremap > >gvthen you can select a piece of code and use > to move it to the right and < to move it to the left
Try what happens when you do this: ! G sort and be ready to UNDO with uI'll explain later...
Regular expressions
replace multiple spaces by single space: %s/ \+/=/g remove everything from @ to end of line: %s/@.*//g remove whitespace at start of line :%s/^[ ]\+//g remove whitespace at end of line :%s/[ ]\+$//g Convert M$ Windows style line-ends (CRLF) to UNIX-style (LF): replace ^M by newline: %s/^M/\r/\r/g