GVIM is a very powerful editor. Proper configuration helps you to unleash its power. I normally use the following configuration file
which is to be placed in your home directory. Depending on your OS, it
should be named:
Linux |
.gvimrc or .vimrc |
.vimrc |
syntax on " syntax highlighting
set nocin " no automatic C indenting
set nosi " no smart indenting
set autoindent " copy indent from previous line
set shiftwidth=2 " # spaces for each indent level
set textwidth=75 " width of page
set ic " ignore case
set hlsearch " search highlight (very useful!!)
set columns=80 " window width
set lines=40 " window height
" Color scheme for vimdiff
" blue on green
highlight DiffAdd gui=none guifg=#4040ff guibg=#80ff80
" red on pink
highlight DiffDelete gui=none guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#ffb0a0
" yellow on blue
highlight DiffChange gui=bold guifg=#ffff00 guibg=#8080ff
" white on blue
highlight DiffText gui=none guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8080ff